EAT/DRINK in Irpinia

  • IRPINIA - Excellent production Chestnuts and "Marroni"

    The shape of the sweet fruit vaguely resembles a dove. And it justifies the name of “Palommina” (from the Neapolitan dialect “Palomma” meaning "dove" ) of the variety clearly prevalent among the chestnut trees populating the woods of Montella.

  • Baccalà alla pertecaregna - Pertecaregna salted codfish

    A fish recipe from the Irpinia peasant cuisine, a dish of the tradition frequented especially when important holidays of the year approach.

  • The young challenge of the Tortora sisters in the Irpinia of great wines

    Two sisters and one common life project. Cultivated in both mind and heart since childhood, observing parents and grandparents who cultivated the land, property of the Tortora family for over a century, vegetables and especially grape vines for the flagship production of the family business, now definitely deserving of the adjective "historical ".
  • Milk and ideas, the caciocavallo has a new history in Calitri

    Courage and determination were faithful companions in this journey. Started twenty years ago with the hope and enthusiasm of the youth to support an idea that is not obvious at all and has an unpredictable outcome: to be able to create a future in one's own land.


    Roasted and shredded, they appeared as an ingredient in different recipes of the “De re coquinaria” of Apicius, the famous roman chef who lived between the 1st  and the 2nd century a.D and recommended the use of “nuts of Avella”, in other words the nuts.

  • CALITRI - Around the castle the village of many colors

    The “cart wheels” weigh six kilos, but the most common size is two kilos. Round loaves, of wheat and soft flour, risen with sourdough and baked in wood –fired oven : this is the bread which has made Calitri famous.The “cart wheels” weigh six kilos, but the most common size is two kilos. Round loaves, of wheat and soft flour, risen with sourdough and baked in wood –fired oven : this is the bread which has made Calitri famous.

  • TAURASI - the city of wine

    The Taurasi DOCG, one of the main Campania red wines, takes the name of the homonym city in the upper Calore valley, an important centre of Samnium first, and then a Roman one.