The cuisine of the Sorrento Coast is inspired by classic Neapolitan cuisine with the incursion of the aromas and unmistakable taste of local citrus fruits.

The reinterpretation of Neapolitan desserts such as babà with orange cream is exemplary. But a place of absolute importance has now been conquered by the Lemon delight, sponge cake with cream and lemon-flavoured cream. A curiosity are the fullarielli, rolls of dried grapes in lemon leaves. And the lemon is the protagonist of the limoncello of which the Costiera claims paternity and of the lemon cream.

Flavored desserts pair well with pastries. From the gardens come the herbs and laurel for the liqueurs. An excellent nocillo is obtained from the husks of the walnuts grown in the area. Without forgetting the figs stuffed with walnuts and covered in dark chocolate.

A typical, well-known dish of the Coast is Sorrento gnocchi, prepared with fiordilatte and tomato sauce.

His Majesty milk gives not only fiordilatte, but many other delicacies: from Massalubrense "braids" to bocconcini, to scamorzine with spicy chilli pepper and olives. It is impossible to forget the extra virgin olive oil from the Sorrento Peninsula which boasts the DOP mark, together with a cow's cheese from the Lattari Mountains of the highest quality (from the milk of various bovine breeds, including the rare Agerolese), the Provolone del Monaco, legendary for its name and superb for its flavour, even when aged for more than 18 months.

Sorrento style gnocchi - The recipe

GNOCCHIThe tradition of simplicity. All you need is half a kilo of gnocchi, a fresh pureed tomato sauce, a good bit of basil, fiordilatte and grated Parmesan, to have fun with aromas and flavours. Naturally, first you need to cook the gnocchi in boiling salted water and drain them as soon as they float to the surface. Placed in a baking dish, they are seasoned with tomato sauce and plenty of Parmesan, covered with a layer of slices of fiordilatte, more sauce, more cheese and basil. Bake them for a few minutes in a very hot oven (240°) until the cheese is melted. Serve steaming.


The oval lemon from Sorrento

A large lemon, the Sorrento Oval, with an elliptical and asymmetric shape. Moreover, Sorrento lemons have been protected by the IGP mark since 1999. They are grown on the coastal terraces, which have characterized the landscape for centuries: the plants are sheltered from atmospheric agents with structures of wooden poles at least three meters high and covered by the so-called "pagliarelle". The harvest takes place between February and October, exclusively by hand. Characteristic is its peel, of medium thickness, very rich in essential oils. The color is citrine yellow, while the pulp is a lighter straw yellow. The juice is abundant and with high acidity. It is important that the lemon intended for marketing must weigh no less than eighty-five grams; while fruits with a lower weight can be used for processing.