It is the fourth of the Phlegraean Island. The smallest with its diameter of half a kilometre. It is the closest to the mainland, to which a bridge is connected since 1936. Therefore, it is no longer considered an island.

Of volcanic origin, as well as the furthest ones are: Ischia, Procida and Vivara, Nisida rises above the sea in front of capo Posillipo with its characteristic circular form of an ancient crater, partially sinking into the sea to the south-west, where there is the bay of Porto Paone. In Nisida, there was the villa where Lucullus was holding his famous feasts and banquets and the villa where Brutus set up a conspiracy against Cesar and where he protected himself after the Ides of March. Originally, it was the villa of the Queen Johanna II, the first part of the castle fortified during Angevin times and then in the 16th century it hasbeen included by the viceroy Pedro de Toledo in the defence system of the Gulf of Naples and the islands with barbarian raids. During the Bourbon period, it was a penal colony for the political prisoners. With the Unification of Italy, instead, the Bourbon officers were detained there..

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